It is a consultancy firm aimed at providing solutions to increasing customer needs.  Our services include; Business Registrations, Real Estates Placings, Travel Consultancies and Digital Marketing

TGF Consulting

It is a Production house servicing the needs of the organization,the team and the public. We have as main organs “Truth Inspired Melodies” which is a record label aimed at “Reconciling Humanity To The Maker” This is the music arm of the movement. We’re called to Reconnect,Inspire,Redirect,Revive and Restitute in truth for the salvation of the human race.

Music Production, Video Production, Photo shooting, Graphic Designs, Printing


TGF Studios

Transgenerational Forces Impact AwardS


Every year our team organises the Transgenerational Forces Impact Awards(TGFIA) aimed at celebrating distinct impact worldwide. The event serves as the chief ceremony to gather the entire TGF family worldwide. TGFIA always celebrates Planet shakers, Generational Influencers,Road Pointers,Kingdom Disciplars par Excellence, Ground Breakers, Word smiths,Territorial Commanders, People Raisers, Record Breakers,Inspirational Giants,Steward Epitomes, Barrier Breakers, Change Provokers, Streams in the deserts,Nation Builders,Legacy Keepers,Soul Communicators,Talent Contaminators and Kingdom Addicts

Image Gallery

Transgenerational Forces - TGF Inc.


Telephone: +237675774984

Location: Akwa, Douala – Opposite Prudential Beneficial Insurance company and CCC Bank  (Next to Lycee D’Akwa)

Hours Of Operation


Got An Inquiry?

If you have an inquiry, you can speak to our expert team. The fastest way to reach us are by emails